2009, 1(1): 63-66,71.
清华大学土木工程系, 北京 100084 |
A Synchronous Simulation of the Building Fire Development and Structural Response Due to Fire Based on Vega
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
许镇, 任爱珠. 基于Vega的建筑火场与结构火灾反应同步模拟[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2009, 1(1): 63-66,71.
Xu Zhen, Ren Aizhu. A Synchronous Simulation of the Building Fire Development and Structural Response Due to Fire Based on Vega[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2009, 1(1): 63-66,71.
摘要:建筑火场模拟方面的软件和结构火灾反应模拟方面的软件均可在各自领域实现很好的模拟, 但是在建筑火场和结构火灾反应同步模拟上开发尚不到位。基于Ve g a的建筑火场与结构火灾反应同步模拟在本文开发的虚拟现实系统中得到实现。该系统是基于火场模拟软件F DS和有限元软件的后处理虚拟现实平台, 一方面这两种软件的结果保证了模拟的科学性, 另一方面这两种软件的结果又可以同步的在虚拟现实平台上得以展示。同步模拟的相关控制技术将被介绍, 一个同步模拟的例子也将被展示。该系统提供了建筑火场与结构火灾反应之间的直观联系, 相关技术可用作考虑结构危险程度的建筑火场逃生、扑救等虚拟训练。
Abstract: The software on simulation of building fire and the software on simulation of structural response due to fire both have good performance in their respective fields, but they are not good at the synchronous simulation between building fire and structural response due to fire. In this paper, the synchronous simulation above is made in the virtual reality system based on Vega. This system is a post-processing platform based on a fire simulation software FDS and a FEM software MSC. MARC. FDS and MARC provide scientific results for synchronous simulation, while this virtual reality system shows these results in a visual and lifelike way. This system reveals the link between building fire and structural fire response. In virtual training, this system can help people judge the structural safety by the situation of building fire.
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