2009, 1(1): 13-23.
香港理工大学 |
A Decision—making System for Selecting the International Market Entry Mode for Chinese Construction Enterprises
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, China |
李恒, 金志刚. 中国建筑企业国际市场进入模式决策体系研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2009, 1(1): 13-23.
Li Heng, Jin Zhigang. A Decision—making System for Selecting the International Market Entry Mode for Chinese Construction Enterprises[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2009, 1(1): 13-23.
摘要:全球经济一体化的深入发展和国际建筑市场的巨大前景, 吸引了众多中国建筑企业参与到海外经营的行列中。面对海外复杂而多变的市场环境, 采用什么样的进入模式既可扩展海外市场又能降低经营风险以确保经营收益, 是长期困扰中国建筑企业的一大难题。本文通过国际市场进入模式相关理论的系统梳理, 发现其有较多局限性。如对进入国家的研究局限于由发达国家进入其它国家、对行业的研究局限于制造业和服务业以及在进入模式的选择中仅考虑静态的因素等。在此基础上, 本文综合考虑中国建筑企业及产业的发展特点, 重新构建了一套适用于中国建筑企业国际市场进入模式的分析框架及其相应的决策方法体系。
Abstract: Increases in the global economic integration and development prospects of the construction market have been encouraging more and more Chinese enterprises to participate in operations overseas.However, the overseas market environment is complex, volatile and therefore risky.While it is possible to achieve rapid expansion in overseas markets, the operational risks involved Call make this unsustainable in the long term.As a result, many Chinese construction enterprises are uncertain of the kind of entry mode to Use.The theory of international market entry mode offers some help and provides insights into possible approaches and solutions.However, there are many limitations and deficiencies with the existing theory.For example, the emphasis is on entry from developed to undeveloped countries; it is confined solely to the manufacturing and service industries; and the choice of entry modes does not fully allow for the dynamics of market change. To overcome these limitations, a decision-making system and corresponding analytical framework is developed to accommodate the specific characteristics of the construction industry.
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