2016, 8(2): 77-83. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cnll-5823/tu.2016.02.012
上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司,200041 上海 |
The Research and Engineering Practice of Automatic Generating from Flat Overall Representation to Reinforced Three-Dimensional Model
Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design(Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200041, China |
徐旻洋. 基于平法施工图自动生成钢筋三维模型技术的研究及工程实践应用[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2016, 8(2): 77-83.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cnll-5823/tu.2016.02.012
Xu Minyang. The Research and Engineering Practice of Automatic Generating from Flat Overall Representation to Reinforced Three-Dimensional Model[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2016, 8(2): 77-83.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cnll-5823/tu.2016.02.012
摘要:目前国内在工程建设领域一般还依赖传统的二维CAD设计, 结构专业钢筋布置图纸表达主要依靠平面整体表示方法。随着工程项目的复杂性和对设计效率和质量要求的不断提升, 平法施工图的不足逐渐显露:表达不直观; 定位信息不全; 对错漏碰缺不易避免等, 难以直接指导施工。作者通过平法施工图自动生成钢筋三维模型技术, 在工程实践中开展基于钢筋三维模型的相关应用, 以提升工程设计效率与质量。本文将以工程项目上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院肿瘤(质子)中心为例, 阐述平法施工图自动生成钢筋三维模型的方法, 以及基于钢筋三维模型开展的相关应用, 包括:平法施工图自动生成钢筋三维模型; 钢筋与钢筋之间、钢筋与预埋件之间以及复杂配筋节点的碰撞校对; 基于钢筋三维模型的工程算量; 配筋合规性检查。
Abstract: Traditional two-dimensional CAD design is still the main trend in the current domestic construction field, and the reinforced drawings mainly rely on flat overall representation in structure industry.As the complexity of engineering projects and the requirement of efficiency and quality continuously rise, the disadvantages of flat overall representation method are gradually revealed, including that it is not intuitive, incomplete of location information, difficult to avoid collision or directly guide construction.This article discusses the automatic generating from flat overall representation to reinforced three-dimensional model, the engineering practice of reinforced three-dimensional model and the relevant improvement of design efficiency and quality.The Cancer (proton) Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Ruijin Hospital case is used to expound the process of automatic generating and the application of three-dimensional model, including reinforced collision calibration between bar and bar, bar and embedded pan, and in complex nodes, engineering budgeting based on reinforced three-dimensional model, and reinforced compliance check.
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