2024, 16(5): 63-67. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2024.05.11
中国建筑科学研究院北京构力科技有限公司,北京 100013 |
Research on Rapid Structural Model Creation Method Based on Domestic BIMBase Platform
Glory PKPM Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100013, China |
赵瑞阳, 刘苗苗, 李书阳, 杨华. 基于国产BIMBase平台的结构模型快速创建方法研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2024, 16(5): 63-67.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2024.05.11
Ruiyang Zhao, Miaomiao Liu, Shuyang Li, Hua Yang. Research on Rapid Structural Model Creation Method Based on Domestic BIMBase Platform[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2024, 16(5): 63-67.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2024.05.11
Abstract: The conversion from CAD drawings to BIM models is a common and urgent need for engineers, yet existing model conversion tools often result in missing information and require extensive modifications in the later stages. To address the need for rapid BIM structural model creation, this paper proposes a method to quickly establish BIM structural models from CAD drawings. First, the correspondence between CAD pixels and BIM structural model components is analyzed. Next, the key technologies for secondary development of CAD and domestic BIM software, along with the principles of automatic model conversion, are studied. Finally, a 3D model reconstruction system tailored to structural engineering is developed and applied to actual projects, demonstrating the feasibility of the method and the efficiency of the system.
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