2009, 1(1): 95-98.
1. | 上海凯德数值信息科技有限公司, 上海 200086 |
2. | 同济大学航空航天与力学学院, 上海 200092 |
Study and Application of Transformation of Finite Element Models Based on Database
1. | Shanghai CAD Simula Design Technologies Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200086, China |
2. | School of Aerospace and Mechanics of Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China |
李华, 赵劲松, 汪丛军, 黄本才. 基于数据库的有限元模型转换研究与应用[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2009, 1(1): 95-98.
Li Hua, Zhao Jinsong, Wang Congjun, Huang Benca. Study and Application of Transformation of Finite Element Models Based on Database[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2009, 1(1): 95-98.
摘要:本文通过对有限元模型的节点、单元、约束、荷载等信息进行分类, 设立有限元数据库中心。通过.NET (C#)与数据库结合的技术, 对建筑结构设计领域常用的分析软件的接口文件进行分析, 实现模型数据的输入和输出操作, 分别将他们的有限元模型数据读入到设计好的有限元中心数据库, 进而可以通过对中心数据库的操作获得有限元模型信息, 生成所需要的CAE分析软件的接口文件。本文主要实现了将SATWE、ETABS和ANSYS的有限元模型输入到数据库中, 并实现了将数据库中的有限元模型输出成ETABS和ANSYS模型。通过一个复杂的核心筒高层结构的工程实例对转换的精度进行了验证, 分析了结构的前三阶频率和结构的总质量, 将结果进行了对比, 结果比较吻合。
Abstract: A database center on finite element model is set up by classifying the nodes, elements, constraints, loads and some other information.Then this paper analyzed the interface formats of SATWE, ETABS and ANSYS which commonly are widely used in the fields of structural design for building by means of the coding technology of.NET(C#) and database, realized the input and output of the finite element data and read their finite element data into database center of finite element model.Finally the database could generate the interface model files as CAE codes need by operating the center database.This paper has mainly achieved that inputting the finite element model data into database and transferring the finite element models of SATWE into ETABS and ANSYS.The accuracy of the transformation has been verified by one complex example of core tube structure which is a real high-rise building.The first three frequencies and the total mass are analyzed and the results from different codes are in good agreement.
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