2010, 2(1): 24-29.
郑州大学土木工程学院,河南郑州 450001 |
Research and Application on the Use of Mobile Computing in Construction
Zhengzhou University, School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou 450001, China |
陈远, 林基础. 移动计算在建筑工程信息管理中的应用研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2010, 2(1): 24-29.
Chen Yuan, Lin Jichu. Research and Application on the Use of Mobile Computing in Construction[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2010, 2(1): 24-29.
摘要:近些年来,信息技术(Information and Communication Technology)的发展,包括信息流动速度的增加,信息交流效率的提高,以及信息传递费用的降低,对于提高建筑工程领域的信息管理能力起到了很大的作用。目前施工现场办公室已经可以得到信息技术的支持,但施工现场仍然是以纸张为基础的信息交流模式,离“数字化工地”还有很大的距离。而移动计算(Mobile Computing)技术的发展,为施工现场信息管理的改进和信息处理能力的增强提供了极大的潜力,从而使“数字化工地”的实现成为可能。为了让建筑企业和相关领域的研究人员了解和接受这项技术,本文对移动计算的概念以及移动计算技术在建筑工程领域的应用进行了介绍,并且详细分析了移动计算技术在建筑工程领域应用的潜力、优势和所面临的挑战,最后对这一研究领域的发展趋势做出了合理的预见。
Abstract: The use of Information and Communication Technology(ICT)has improved the efficiency of informa-tion management in the construction industry and brought productivity benefits to the construction process. Current ICT systems have been extended to the site office, but ICT support on actual work sites still need further development to benefit from advances in ICT. The emergence of Mobile Computing(MC)has the potential to improve on -site infor-mation management and enhance information flow throughout the site. This paper aims to provide insight into the area of mobile computing in construction, and help construction personnel to understand and accept these new technolo-gies. This paper introduces the concept of mobile computing and discusses the use of mobile computing on construc-tion sites. It then analyses the potential, advantages and challenges in using mobile computing on construction sites. Finally, this paper provides a vision for the future research of using mobile computing in construction.
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