2012, 4(1): 6-14.
清华大学土木工程系,北京 100084 |
A Modeling Technology of integrated BIM for Building Lifecycle
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
张建平, 余芳强, 李丁. 面向建筑全生命期的集成BIM建模技术研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2012, 4(1): 6-14.
Zhang Jianping, Yu Fangqiang, Li Ding. A Modeling Technology of integrated BIM for Building Lifecycle[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2012, 4(1): 6-14.
摘要:建筑信息模型技术的快速发展和应用,为解决建筑生命期各阶段的信息“断层”问题提供了有效的途径和方法。但目前BIM应用主要通过文件进行数据交换和管理,无法形成完整的建筑信息模型,难以实现BIM的全部价值。本文针对完整BIM的创建,提出了面向建筑全生命期的集成BIM构建框架,通过研究集成BIM基本结构、建模流程、应用架构以及建模关键技术,开发了BIM数据集成与服务平台(BIM Data Integration and Server Platform,BIMDISP)的原型系统,并通过实际工程的应用,验证了BIMDISP的可行性和适用性,为面向全生命期的BIM创建、管理与应用探索了新的方法和技术。
Abstract: BIM technologies and tools are developed very fast these years, which provide an effective and efficient method to solve the "segment"problem in building industry. However, since data exchange is still mostly based on files, an integrated BIM containing all the information of multi-disciplinary can't be constructed, so that much value of a BIM is hard to achieve. For constructing an integrated BIM, this paper proposes a framework of the modeling technology for integrated BIM, which enables integrating information generated in difference phases dynamically. The framework includes architecture, modeling flows, deployment framework and key technologies needed to be solved. After that, a prototype system of BIM data integration and server platform (BIMDISP, a BIM Server) is developed. Then a real word project is applied in the BIMDISP to test performance of the modeling technology. As a conclusion, the modeling technology proposed is feasible to support integration, management and sharing of all the building information, so as to generate an integrated BIM.
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