2014, 6(6): 35-39,49.
南阳理工学院土木工程学院,南阳 473004 |
FKM Analysis Method for Intelligent Optimization of High-rise Buildings
School of Civil Engineering of Nanyang Institute of Technology, Nanyang 473004, China |
张世海, 张世忠, 段慧杰. 高层建筑结构智能型式优化的FKM分析法[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2014, 6(6): 35-39,49.
Zhang Shihai, Zhang Shizhong, Duan Huijie. FKM Analysis Method for Intelligent Optimization of High-rise Buildings[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2014, 6(6): 35-39,49.
Abstract: Firstly, four levels of structure optimization are introduced, and the importance and characteristics of traditional "hard clustering" and fuzzy cluster method are analyzed. The fuzzy cluster analysis can reflect the transitional characteristics of structure category more objectively. Secondly, the basic principle and algorithm of FKM are introduced, the FKM-based cluster analysis intelligent form selection of high-rise structures is constructed, and the fuzzy clustering center and its corresponding clustering results are obtained by the fuzzy cluster analysis from 20 engineering cases. Finally, the engineering cases for structural selection based on FKM are listed, and the results match the engineering practice well. Practice shows that FKM cluster analysis method is effective structural form selection method for the design of high-rise structures.
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