2010, 2(2): 97-100.
1. | 黄冈职业技术学院,湖北黄冈 438002 |
2. | 武汉美的精品电器销售有限公司,湖北武汉 430032 |
An Exploration of the Information Resource Management of Construction Enterprise on Web 2.0 Technology
1. | Huanggang Polytechnic College, Huanggang 438002, China |
2. | Wuhan Quality Electric Sales Co., Ltd. of Midea, Wuhan 430032, China |
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2010, 2(2): 97-100.
Cheng Rugang, Cheng Chao. An Exploration of the Information Resource Management of Construction Enterprise on Web 2.0 Technology[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2010, 2(2): 97-100.
Abstract: Based on the typical application advantages of WEB2.0, the paper analyzes the use of the enterprise information resources based on the WEB2.0 and constructs the WEB2.0 based construction enterprise information resource portal. An idea of developing the control system architecture for enterprise information management platform for the construction is proposed. The effective implementation of the construction enterprise information resource management and knowledge management can be referenced.
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