2014, 6(4): 88-92.
1. | 广州城市规划技术开发服务部,广州 510030 |
2. | 广州市城市规划自动化中心,广州 510030 |
Research and Application of Building Interval Algorithm based on Equal Sunlight Duration Time Principle and Models
1. | Department of Guangzhou Urban Planning Technology Development Services, Guangzhou 510030, China |
2. | Guangzhou Urban Planning Automation Center, Guangzhou 510030, China |
何健元, 樊惠萍, 邱浩锋. 等时日照建筑间距模型及其算法应用研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2014, 6(4): 88-92.
He Jianyuan, Fan Huiping, Qiu Haofeng. Research and Application of Building Interval Algorithm based on Equal Sunlight Duration Time Principle and Models[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2014, 6(4): 88-92.
Abstract: Coefficient method and sunlight assessment are two major approaches to calculate building interval. The algorithm based on equal sunlight duration time (ESDT) principle and models can be used to calculate a legitimate spacing distance, according to sunlight on reference days. Relations of four key variables including the N-S ESDT distance, building facade, elevation difference of obstructive and overshadowed building, and the threshold of building's height are concluded from simulation tests and mathematical analysis. The ESDT technique combines convenient computation with precise analysis so that the algorithm is perfect for building interval calculation without setting up CAD models.
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