2022, 14(3): 131-142. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2022.03.19
1. | 大同市消防救援支队,大同 037000 |
2. | 和平区消防救援支队,天津 300090 |
3. | 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 建筑防火研究所,北京 100013 |
Research Progress on Key Technologies of Automatic Fire Protection Design Review Based on BIM
1. | Datong City Fire Rescue Detachment, Datong 037000, China |
2. | Heping District Fire Rescue Detachment, Tianjin 300090, China |
3. | Instituete of Building Fire Research, China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China |
引用本文: 马一飞, 吴海洋, 赵利宏, 卫文彬, 孟天畅. 基于BIM的消防设计自动审查关键技术研究进展[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术, 2022, 14(3): 131-142. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2022.03.19
Citation: Yifei Ma, Haiyang Wu, Lihong Zhao, Wenbin Wei, Tianchang Meng. Research Progress on Key Technologies of Automatic Fire Protection Design Review Based on BIM[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2022, 14(3): 131-142. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2022.03.19
摘要:人工消防设计审查方式耗时长、审查尺度难把控、效率较低,近几年国内推行的建筑信息模型(BIM)审查系统仍以二维施工图人工审查为主、BIM审查为辅,在消防设计审查方面仅实现了局部自动化。为了实现基于BIM的消防设计自动审查,提高消防设计审查效率,本文对基于BIM的消防设计自动审查关键技术进行了综述,介绍了合规性自动审查系统的发展现状; 针对消防设计自动审查的关键技术即消防标准规范的信息抽取技术和基于BIM模型的消防设计信息提取技术,进行了研究现状和不足之处的综述; 讨论了关键技术的具体方法选择原则及思路,并建议加强BIM相关规范的顶层设计; 为消防设计自动审查体系的完善、消防设计审查主管部门审查工作的顺利开展以及工程建设审批时限的缩短和政府“放管服”改革的纵深推进提供了决策支持,具有较强的实用意义。
Abstract: Manual fire design review is time-consuming, difficult to control the review scale, and low efficiency. In recent years, the Building Information Model (BIM) review system promoted in China is still dominated by manual review of two-dimensional construction drawings, supplemented by BIM review, and only partial automation has been achieved in fire design review. In order to realize the automatic fire design review based on BIM and improve its efficiency, this article summarizes the key technologies of automatic fire design review based on BIM. Firstly, the development status of automatic compliance review system is introduced, and then the key technologies of automatic review of fire design, namely the information extraction technology of fire protection standards and specifications and fire design information extraction technology based on BIM model are summarized. Finally, the specific method selection principles and ideas of key technologies are discussed, and it is suggested to strengthen the top design of BIM related specifications. This article can provide decision support for the improvement of automatic fire design review system, the smooth development of the review work of the fire design review department, the shortening of the implementation of project construction approval, and the in-depth promotion of the government′s reform of "Delegating Supervision and Serving", which has a strong practical significance.
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