2013, 5(1): 22-26.
1. | 清华大学土木工程系,北京 100084 |
2. | 中国中建地产有限公司,北京 100037 |
Research and Development of BIM-based Housing Project Planning System
1. | Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
2. | China State Construction Land Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100037, China |
林佳瑞, 张建平, 何田丰, 贾卫东, 吴峥. 基于BIM的住宅项目策划系统研究与开发[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2013, 5(1): 22-26.
Lin Jiarui, Zhang Jianping, He Tianfeng, Jia Weidong, Wu Zheng. Research and Development of BIM-based Housing Project Planning System[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2013, 5(1): 22-26.
摘要:本文针对住宅项目策划的实际需求,综合应用BIM和4D技术,研究并提出了基于既有标准户型的住宅方案BIM建模和方案分析与评价的方法。通过解决户型三维模型与各种经济及绿色性能指标信息的关联、存储、编辑与管理,基于户型组装生成住宅标准层和建筑单体方案,以及基于经济指标与绿色性能分析进行方案评价等关键技术,以Autodesk Revit 2012和清华大学4D项目管理系统为平台,开发了基于BIM的住宅项目策划系统。应用表明,本研究为住宅项目策划的方案创建、分析评价、比选决策提供了新的途径和方法,促进了BIM在住宅项目策划阶段的应用。
Abstract: According to the actual demand of housing project, by integrating BIM and 4D technology, the method of BIM modelling, program analysis and evaluation for housing program based on existing standard house type was put forward.Problems including associating economic and green performance information with 3D model of house type, management of house type model database, assembling house types into typical floor, formation of building, program analysis and evaluation on the foundation of economic indexes calculation and green performance analysis were solved, thereby coming with the BIM-based Housing Project Planning System based on Autodesk Revit 2012 and 4D project management system.The result of practical application illustrates that the approach for BIM modelling, program analysis, and decision making of housing project proposed in this paper was effective, which will promote the application of BIM in housing project planning.
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