2014, 6(4): 30-35.
1. | 北京城建集团,北京 100088 |
2. | 清华大学土木工程系,北京 100084 |
IFC-based Model Description for Structural Working Drawing
1. | Beijing Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100088, China |
2. | Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
王勇, 张建平, 李久林. 基于IFC的建筑结构施工图设计信息模型描述[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2014, 6(4): 30-35.
Wang Yong, Zhang Jianping, Li Jiulin. IFC-based Model Description for Structural Working Drawing[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2014, 6(4): 30-35.
摘要:为解决建筑结构设计信息在工程的后续阶段信息重用和共享困难的问题,本文引入国际工业基础类IFC(Industry Foundation Classes)标准研究建筑结构施工图设计信息模型。通过分析钢筋混凝土结构施工图设计BIM (Building Information Model)数据需求,利用IFC的建筑结构信息模型描述方法和模型扩展机制,构建了建筑结构施工图设计的IFC扩展模型,并基于该模型开发了钢筋混凝土结构施工图设计原型系统。系统应用表明,施工图设计模型可自动转化为工程算量模型,进行工程算量统计和分析,实现设计信息的无损交换与充分共享,从而验证了建筑结构施工图IFC扩展模型的可行性。
Abstract: Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) has been known as an international common product model for Building Information Model (BIM) exchange and sharing in building field. With the purpose of solving the problem of model sharing between structural design and other application followed, the IFC is introduced into the structural working drawing field. Combining the demand for data description, an IFC extension model was established through entity extension and property extension. The extension model was verified by BIM-based structural drawing design prototype system in a test project. The research shows that extended IFCs is suitable for BIM model description in structural working drawing. Automatic model exchange is realized between structural working drawing and quantity survey by the extended IFCs.
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