2015, 7(3): 97-103.
1. | 武汉地铁集团有限公司 武汉 430000 |
2. | 华中科技大学 工程管理研究所 武汉 430074 |
Risk Control of Ultra-deep Metro Station Pit Excavationin Wuhan Soft Soil Area
1. | Wuhan Metro Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430000, China |
2. | Project Management Institute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China |
叶万敏, 卢雄, 张绍辉, 刘宝林. 武汉地区淤泥质软土地铁车站深基坑开挖风险控制[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2015, 7(3): 97-103.
Ye Wanmin, Lu Xiong, Zhang Shaohui, Liu Baolin. Risk Control of Ultra-deep Metro Station Pit Excavationin Wuhan Soft Soil Area[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2015, 7(3): 97-103.
Abstract: Taking Changfeng station of Wuhan Metro Line Ⅶ as an example, this article shows that the process of ultra-deep excavation have many risks by theoretical analysis of Fault Tree, such as leaking joints, longitudinal instability, pit deformation, gushing water and sand, surface subsidence around the base hang basement uplift and so on. The article analyses the monitoring data during the excavation of Changfeng station in May including the inclinometer of underground continuous wall, soil subsidence, post settlement and so on. The analysis results show that large underground continuous wall inclinometer, upright settlement, underground continuous wall seepage etc. are the signs of large pit deformation, as well as common risks of ultra-deep excavation process. So we should erect steel braces timely, grading excavation, strengthen monitoring and provide rainfall timely to control them. By timely warning and taking appropriate security measures, the excavation pit risk of Changfeng station was controlled effectively, and the main structure of Changfeng station was completed successful. The success of early warning and control of Changfeng station excavation risks can provide recommendations for the Wuhan soft soil excavation.
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