2013, 5(2): 23-30.
扬州大学建筑科学与工程学院, 扬州 225009 |
Research of Traditional Timber Structure based on Modern Simulation and Analysis Technology
College of Architectural Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China |
袁建力. 基于现代模拟分析技术的传统木结构研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2013, 5(2): 23-30.
Yuan Jianli. Research of Traditional Timber Structure based on Modern Simulation and Analysis Technology[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2013, 5(2): 23-30.
摘要:运用现代模拟分析技术进行传统木结构的保护研究, 具有快速、直观和重现的优势。本文针对传统木结构保护的重点研究内容, 分榫卯节点连接性能模拟、斗栱的构造与力学性能模拟、木构架建筑的建模与分析、应县木塔的建模与分析和木结构数字化与信息技术等五个专题, 介绍了国内外学者应用计算机模拟分析技术的主要成果, 探讨了进一步深化研究的趋势。
Abstract: The modern simulation and analysis technology with the predominance of celerity, intuition and reappearance, and has been successful introduced into research of traditional timber structure protection.Aiming at five key research subjects of traditional timber structure protection, which includes simulation of connective behavior of mortise-tenon joints, simulation of configuration and mechanical character of Dou-Gong(bracket set), modeling and analysis of timber truss, modeling and analysis of Yingxian timber pagoda, and digital and information technology for timber structure, this paper introduced the main results of computer simulation and analysis technology application, and discussed the future trend to deepen this research.
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