2016, 8(1): 29-35. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.01.05
1. | 上海天佑工程咨询有限公司, 上海, 200092 |
2. | 华中科技大学 土木学院工程管理研究所, 武汉 430074 |
Research on Foundation Pit Dewatering of Wuhan Subway Station during Excavation
1. | Shanghai Tianyou Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China |
2. | School of Civil Engineering & Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, China |
廖利钊, 周翔宇, 刘宝林, 周迎. 武汉地铁某车站基坑开挖降水影响研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2016, 8(1): 29-35.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.01.05
Liao Lizhao, Zhou Xiangyu, Liu Baolin, Zhou Ying. Research on Foundation Pit Dewatering of Wuhan Subway Station during Excavation[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2016, 8(1): 29-35.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.01.05
摘要:地铁车站深基坑开挖降水是地铁工程施工过程中的一个重要组成部分, 而地铁车站的施工地点一般位于人流量较多的区域, 且基坑降水往往会对周边环境带来恶劣影响, 故需对基坑降水进行一定的研究分析。本文以武汉轨道交通六号线某车站为依托, 运用实际监测数据, 说明基坑降水过程中, 基坑周边建筑物沉降和围护结构变形的变化规律, 得出的主要结论有:1)坑外降水作用对周边建筑物的影响远远大于坑内降水作用; 2)坑外降水作用可以一定程度的减少基坑外侧的主动土压力, 进而减小其周围围护结构的变形量; 3)土质条件和基坑降水状况会对围护结构的变形产生很大影响。
Abstract: The foundation pit dewatering of subway station during excavation is an important part of the work progress.However, the job location of the subway station is generally located in the region of high population flow, and the foundation pit dewatering always brings some bad influence on the surroundings.So the foundation pit dewatering should be studied and analyzed.Based on a metro station of Line No.6 of Wuhan Metro, this paper explains the change law of surrounding building settlement and deformation of retaining structures by using the practical nonitoring data during the process of foundation pit dewatering.Main conclusions are as below:1) in terms of the influence of surrounding buildings, the effect of external foundation pit dewatering is much bigger than that of internal foundation pit dewatering; 2) the effect of external foundation pit dewatering can reduce the active earth pressure of the foundation pit lateral in some degree, and then reduce deformation of retaining structures; 3) the soil property and condition of foundation pit dewatering would have a great impact on the deformation of retaining structures.
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