2011, 3(4): 9-15.
清华大学土木工程系, 北京 100084 |
Research on IFC-based Data Description Standards in Construction
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
王勇, 张建平, 胡振中. 建筑施工IFC数据描述标准的研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2011, 3(4): 9-15.
Wang Yong, Zhang Jianping, Hu Zhenzhong. Research on IFC-based Data Description Standards in Construction[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2011, 3(4): 9-15.
摘要:IFC标准是国际协同工作联盟IAI发布的建筑产品数据描述标准, IFC标准提供了建筑产品大部分信息模型的定义和描述。但是, 在建筑施工领域IFC标准的模型体系尚不完善, 无法完全满足建筑施工IFC数据描述的需求。本文通过对IFC标准的体系结构、数据描述方法、扩展机制和应用流程的系统研究, 建立面向建筑施工的IFC数据扩展模型, 编制了建筑施工IFC数据描述标准, 并通过工程实际应用验证了模型和标准的可行性和适用性, 提出了对IFC标准进一步研究和应用的建议。
Abstract: The Industry Foundation Classes(IFC) developed by International Alliance for Interoperability(IAI) has been known as a common product model for data exchange and model sharing.In architecture design, entity types and property sets in IFCs are nearly enough to meet the needs.However, in the construction, entity types are insufficient for data description.Therefore, we analyses the demand for data description in construction in mainland China, and extend the IFC model.At last, we test the extension model by some real projects and give some suggestions for further research.
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