2024, 16(5): 1-8. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2024.05.01
1. | 北京建筑大学 工程结构与新材料北京市高等学校工程研究中心,北京 100044 |
2. | 北京建筑大学 北京未来城市设计高精尖创新中心,北京 100044 |
Research on Construction Machinery Hazardous Area Intrusion Detection Based on Binocular Stereo Vision Technology
1. | Beijing Higher Education Engineering Research Center for Engineering Structures and New Materials, Beijing University of Architecture, Beijing 100044, China |
2. | Beijing High Precision Innovation Center for Future Urban Design, Beijing Architecture University, Beijing 100044, China |
廖维张, 王彬, 王凯卿, 李会芳. 基于双目立体视觉技术的施工机械危险区域侵入检测研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2024, 16(5): 1-8.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2024.05.01
Weizhang Liao, Bin Wang, Kaiqing Wang, Huifang Li. Research on Construction Machinery Hazardous Area Intrusion Detection Based on Binocular Stereo Vision Technology[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2024, 16(5): 1-8.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2024.05.01
Abstract: Construction sites are often crowded, with poor working environments, many sources of danger, and hazardous areas. Unauthorized entry into these areas poses significant safety risks and can lead to accidents. Traditional construction site monitoring relies on full-time safety officers patrolling the site, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and results in untimely warnings. To improve site monitoring efficiency and make full use of existing cameras, this paper proposes a construction hazardous area intrusion detection method based on binocular stereo vision technology and deep learning. First, relevant literature is reviewed to determine the methods for establishing and dividing dangerous areas. A target detection algorithm is then used to locate construction personnel and machinery, and binocular stereo vision technology calculates the distance between them. The method for determining the man-machine distance is improved to judge whether there is intrusion into dangerous areas based on the detected distance. A comprehensive construction site simulation experiment verifies the method, and results show that it accurately detects intrusion behavior and provides early warning information, significantly improving site monitoring efficiency and safety.
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