2022, 14(1): 1-6. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2022.01.01
1. | 建设综合勘察研究设计院有限公司,北京 100007 |
2. | 自然资源部城市空间信息重点实验室,北京 100007 |
On City Information Modeling and Its Basic Data Construction
1. | Cigis(China)Limited, Beijing 100007, China |
2. | Key Laboratory of Urban Spatial Informatics, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 100007, China |
耿丹, 王丹. 城市信息模型及其基础数据建设[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2022, 14(1): 1-6.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2022.01.01
Dan Geng, Dan Wang. On City Information Modeling and Its Basic Data Construction[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2022, 14(1): 1-6.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2022.01.01
摘要:城市信息模型(CIM)是对城市地上地下、室内室外各种实体目标专题、空间和时间特征的数字化描述和表达, 当前受到了较为广泛的关注, 一些城市或地区正开展CIM建设试点。但对CIM究竟是什么、具有哪些特征和基本组成、如何构建等, 尚未形成较为普遍的共识。本文分析CIM的概念、特征和组成, 重点讨论CIM数据建设涉及的主要技术问题, 并对利用数字化城市管理系统基础数据、新型基础测绘地理实体数据、工程建设项目审批联合测绘成果以及房屋和基础设施风险普查成果进行CIM基础数据建设等提出建议。
Abstract: City Information Modeling(CIM)is a digital description and expression of the thematic, spatial and temporal characteristics for various city physical objects above ground, underground, indoor and outdoor. It has received widespread attention now, and several cities or districts are carrying out CIM construction pilot projects. However, there is still a lack of systematic and in-depth research on the issues of what CIM is, what characteristics and basic components it has, and how to construct it. Based on the analysis of the concept, essential characteristics and components of CIM, this paper focuses on the main questions of CIM data construction and put forward suggestions to build CIM basic data on the use of the fundamental data in the information system for digitized supervision and management of city, the geo-entity data in the new fundamental surveying and mapping, the results of the joint surveying and mapping for engineering construction project approval, and the housing and infrastructure risk survey information.
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