• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Development of a Database Application System for Engineering Design Model

  • 摘要: IFC标准所建立的工程设计模型包含海量的数据信息和复杂的非图形信息,不利于设计者对数据信息的有效查询和管理。通过对IFC模型数据集成机制和EXPRESS数据类型映射规则分析,结合IFC中性文件交换技术和标准数据访问接口原理,以及工程设计模型数据信息的特点,在基于PKPM的CFG图形显示平台上设计和开发了工程模型数据库应用系统。通过对北京某一体育馆IFC格式模型的读取,对该系统所提供的用于模型的读取、查询、创建、二维显示等管理功能进行实际应用。结果表明,该系统有助于提高设计者对基于IFC格式的工程设计模型数据信息的日常维护和管理操作。


    Abstract: The engineering design model based on IFC standard contains vast amount of data and complex non-graphic information, which often results in lower efficiency for designers to inquire and manage the data information. Through the analysis of the data integration mechanisms of IFC model and the mapping rules of EXPRESS data types, as well as the exchange technologies of IFC neutral files, the principles of standard data access interface and the data features of engineering design model, a database application system of engineering model, which based on the CFG Graphic platform of PKPM software, was designed and developed. A gymnasium project, which locates at Beijing, was used as the case study. The IFC format model of the gymnasium was read, and the main functions of the application system such as read, query, create, and two-dimensional display were applied respectively. The results show that the system can help designers to improve the daily maintenance and management operation of the IFC format data of engineering design model.


