• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Data Governance Based on CIM Platform for Digital Twin

  • 摘要: 数字孪生是数字化转型的重要落脚点, 数据治理是数字孪生物理实体与虚拟实体交互融合的核心, 城市信息模型CIM平台是面向数字孪生的数据治理的重要支撑平台。本文分析了面向数字孪生数据治理的范围与内容, 基于CIM平台提出了数据治理框架, 对基于工作流的数据治理与基于分层分级的多源数据可视化等技术进行了研究, 提炼出上海市CIM平台数据治理建设成果。通过研究与实践证明, 本文提出的数据治理框架具有可行性、扩展性和开放性, 可为数字孪生背景下数据治理研究与应用实践提供参考。


    Abstract: Digital twin is an important foothold of digital transformation, and data governance is the core of the interaction and integration of both physical and virtual entities of digital twin. The City Information Model(CIM) is an important platform which supports for data governance facing digital twin. This paper first analyzes the scope and content of digital twin-oriented data governance, proposes a data governance framework based on the CIM platform, and then studies the technologies of data governance on the basis of workflow and multi-source data visualization through hierarchical classification and other technologies, which finally obtains the results of data governance construction and application services of the CIM platform in Shanghai. Through research and practice, it has proved that the framework proposed in this paper is feasible, extendible, and open, which can provide reference for data governance research and application practice under the context of digital twin.


