• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Analysis on Application and Development of Intelligent Construction in China——Based on the Method of Co-Word Analysis

  • 摘要: 文章以CNKI中国知网及SCI中有关国内智慧建造研究的文献作为数据源,对时间为2008~2018年的期刊论文进行检索。利用共词分析法,结合文献计量BICOMB软件生成共词矩阵,通过SPSS软件的聚类分析及多维尺度分析来研究关键词之间的关联性大小,利用UCINET及NETDRAW软件绘制出的基于关键词的社会网络分析图,可视化地展示了当前国内智慧建造领域研究的主要内容及关系结构,探讨了智慧建造的研究现状并揭示该领域研究的热点和重点,为智慧建造在国内的发展提供参考。


    Abstract: Taking the CNKi and SCI papers studying on intelligent construction research in China as data sources, this paper searches the periodical papers from 2008 to 2018.By using the co-word analysis method, a co-word matrix is generated by using the bibliometric software, BICOMB.The SPSS software is applied for the cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scale analysis to study the relevance between keywords, and the UCINEt and NETDRAW software is applied to complete social network analysis map based on keyword, which visually shows the main contents and relationship structure of the current domestic research in the field of intelligent construction.This paper probes into the current research situation of intelligent construction and reveals the hotspots and key points of the research in this field, so as to provide reference for the development of intelligent construction in China.


