• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Resolving Method of IFC-based BIM Model Programing Language

  • 摘要: IFC标准定义了建筑信息模型交换的数据格式,为面向建筑全生命周期的信息交换和共享提供了标准的数据定义和数据模型,是目前对建筑信息描述最全面、最详细的标准,是解决建筑行业BIM软件之间数据交换性和互操作性问题的重要标准。但是IFC基于EXPRESS语言来定义建筑信息交换与共享,EXPRESS语言本身不是编程语言且不可被计算机编译执行,因此使用计算机编程语言解析和处理基于IFC标准的BIM模型,是BIM软件开发的基础和关键技术。本研究利用开源的Java插件,解析基于IFC的BIM模型,生成相对应的IFC实体类,在此基础上,利用Java语言来具体编程实现不同的应用功能,为下一步的基于IFC标准的土木建筑工程BIM软件开发奠定了基础。


    Abstract: The IFC standard defines the data format for the exchange of BIM modelsand provides a standard data definition and data model for the information exchange and sharing of the whole building life-cycle.It is the most comprehensive and detailed standard for building information description and the key concern to solvethe data exchange and interoperability issues between BIM software.However, the IFC standard is based on EXPRESS language to define the building information exchange and sharing, and the EXPRESS language itself is not a programming language that fails to be compiled by the computer compiling.Therefore, it is the foundation and key technology of BIM software development to use the computer programming language to parse and process the IFC-based BIM model.This research uses the open source Java plug-in to analyse the IFC-based BIM model and generate the corresponding IFC entity class.Based on the resolving of IFC models, different software functions can be programmed by using Java language, based on which the next step of IFC-based BIM software development can be realised.


