• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Construction Method of Knowledge Map for Application Hotspot of BIM Technology in Detailed Design and Construction of Steel Structure

  • 摘要: 为了分析钢结构领域BIM技术研究的热点和发展趋势,基于中国知网(CNKI)数据库2014年—2018年的研究文献,以社会网络分析和多维尺度分析为方法,借助知识图谱绘制工具,从文献计量的视角分析钢结构领域BIM研究热点及发展。结果表明:研究文献中的关键词构成了以“BIM”和“钢结构”为中心的知识图谱网络,其密度反映出“深化设计”和“施工”是研究的两个热点并且“高层、超高层建筑”,“绿色施工”,“绿色建筑”等是研究的关联热点;通过多维尺度分析得出研究的主题是“深化设计”和“施工”这两个方面;最后以Cite space的时间图谱表明研究趋势正在向着装配式建筑、虚拟施工等方向细化。


    Abstract: In order to analyze the research hotspot and development trend of the BIM technology in the field of steel structure, this paper studies the research literature of CNKI database from 2014 to 2018, and analyzes the research hotspot and the development of BIM in the field of steel structure from the perspective of literature measurement by applying the method of social network analysis and multi-dimensional scale analysis with the aid of knowledge mapping tools. The results show that the key words in the research literature constitute the knowledge map network centered on "BIM" and "Steel Structure", and that the key word density reflects that the "Detailed Design" and "Construction" are two hot spots in the research with other related research hotspots including "High-Rise and Super-High-Rise Buildings", "Green Construction" and "Green Buildings". The multidimensional scale analysis concludes that the research topics are "Detailed Design" and "Construction". At last, the time map of CiteSpace shows that the research trend is in progress towards the prefabricated buildings and virtual construction.


