• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


WuDongDe Hydropower Station BIM Design and Application

  • 摘要: 乌东德水电站枢纽工程基于我院CATIA三维协同设计平台,嵌入设校审过程管理机制,融入BIM标准体系,开展了数字化勘测与地质、水工、桥隧、建筑、机电、金结、施工总体等多专业BIM设计建模。在工程勘测设计的不同阶段开展“方案比选与论证、参数化精细设计建模、有限元计算分析、多专业错漏碰检查、工程量自动统计、三维配筋、二维出图、施工组织设计仿真、视觉传达”等多方位的专业性BIM应用工作,重点研发解决了地质三维模型快速剖切成图、水工结构三维设计出图、复杂异形结构三维配筋出图等难题。


    Abstract: Wudongde Hydropower Station BIM design model is based on the 3D collaborative design platform of CATIA, which integrates with design-check-review (DCR) process management and BIM standard system.The BIM design model involves multi-major, such as digital survey and geology, hydraulic engineering, bridge and tunnel, building, electromechanical, metal structure, construction and so on.During different phases of engineering survey and design, scheme comparison and demonstration, parametric design modeling, finite element analysis, collision detection, engineering automatic statistics, 3D rebar design, 2D drawing, construction simulation and visual performance are carried out based on the BIM design model.The 2D drawing problems from 3D geological model, hydraulic structure model and complex shaped structure 3D rebar design model have been focused and resolved.


