• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Bidding Evaluation of Construction Engineering based on the Balance of Subjective and Objective Weights Aspects

  • 摘要: 建筑工程质量关系国计民生,但其成败却在很大程度上取决于项目的总承包商。目前,建筑行业中多采用招标机制以遴选中标人。因此,如何评价与筛选最优中标人便成为招标单位所面临的极大挑战。鉴于在该领域现行使用的评标办法的局限性,首先在构建了体现建筑工程招投标特点的评价指标体系和分别使用主、客观赋权方法确定权重的基础上,应用最小二乘法原理建立了指标权重综合权衡模型,用以削弱单纯使用主、客观赋权方法确定权重所带来的弊端;然后,基于建筑工程指标难以量化的特点,运用模糊综合评价模型对所有投标人进行了综合评价与优劣排序;最后,引入了实例并对三类评标方法所得的评价结果作了比较,由此验证了本文思路与方法的意义。


    Abstract: The quality of construction relates closely to people's livelihood, and the failure or success depends largely on the main contractor.Recently, the majority of construction units use bidding mechanism to choose the final bidder in construction industry.Therefore, how to evaluate and filter the best bidder is the great challenge faced by the bidding unit.Given the shortcomings in the field of evaluation methods currently and based on the system of evaluation indexes which indicate the bidding characteristics of construction and the weights decided by subjective weighing method and objective weighing method, this article sets up the index weight tradeoff model using least squares method to weaken the shortcomings caused by simply using subjective weighting method or objective weighing method. Then, considering the difficulty in quantizing the indicators of construction projects and combining the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, we can review and evaluate all the bidders.Finally, introducing an example and comparing the evaluation results of the three sorts of evaluation methods, this article thereby validates the significance of this idea and method.


