• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


A System for the Investigation of Building Seismic Damagebased on Smartphones and Web Technique

  • 摘要: 当前建筑震害调查以手工作业为主,效率低下。为此,论文开发了一个基于智能手机与Web技术的建筑震害调查系统。该系统由服务器端、手机端和Web端构成:在服务器端,一个面向建筑的数据库被建立,使得建筑成为信息采集和管理基本单元; 在手机端,一个信息采集程序被开发,建立了多媒体数据与建筑的关联; 在Web端,数据被进行智能解析和存储,并在GIS云平台实现可视化。系统在2015年尼泊尔地震我国西藏地区的建筑震害调查中得到了成功应用。


    Abstract: The current investigations of building seismic damage are mainly dependent on manual work, leading to a low efficiency. To improve the efficiency of the investigation, a system for the investigation of building seismic damage based on smartphones and Web technique is developed. This system is made of three components: a server, smartphones and a web. In the server, a building-oriented database is built, which makes buildings become the basic elements for the data collection and management. In smartphones, an app for collecting data is developed, which builds a corresponding relationship between the collected multi-media data and buildings. In the web, the data collected by smartphones are analyzed and stored. In addition, these data are visualized on a GIS cloud platform. The system has been successfully applied in the investigation of building seismic damage in Tibet area in the 2015 Nepal earthquake.


