• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Automatic Arrangement of Vehicles for Bridge Loading Test

  • 摘要: 公路桥梁荷载试验,一般指公路桥梁的交(竣)工验收、在役桥梁和进行技术改造后为验证桥梁承载能力对桥梁进行的荷载试验。目前,我国现存大量旧桥,新桥也在不断的修建。这些桥梁能否安全使用,关系到人民的人身财产安全,所以桥梁结构的荷载检测试验的意义显得尤为重要。在进行荷载试验分析时,布置车辆荷载是一项主要工作,既要满足荷载效率要求,又不能超载引起桥梁损坏,还要节约成本尽量减少用车数量。为了解决这个问题,作者参考《公路桥梁荷载试验规程》1,研究了一种基于影响线加载车辆的算法,并在公路桥梁荷载试验系统BLT中实现。


    Abstract: Highway bridge loading test generally refers to the final acceptance of construction of bridges and loading tests for bridges in service or after technical transformation. At present, a large number of old bridges exist in our country and many new bridges are being built. Whether those bridges can be used safely is closely related to the safety of people. Therefore, loading test for bridges is definitely of great importance.When carrying out loading tests, arrangement of vehicles is one of the main tasks, which should meet requirements of efficiency of static load test and load limits as well as economical cost. To solve this problem, the authors refer to Load Testing Specifications for Highway Bridges and develop a new method for automatic output of load arrangement based on influence-line loading and realize it in BLT.


