• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application Requirements for Big Data & Cloud Computing Technology in Rail Transit Engineering

  • 摘要: 大数据、云计算、移动互联网等新兴行业和新技术正在改变着传统的勘察设计、工程建设管理及维护模式。当前轨道交通领域的设计阶段已基本实现了数字化,但在某些环节数据管理与处理能力仍需加强,更由于施工和运营阶段数据管理与处理手段、能力的限制,使得设计成果未能得到充分应用,难于实现全阶段信息的集成和共享,制约了轨道交通领域的信息化建设。从庞杂的资料或海量数据中研究应用大数据、云计算技术解决问题的途径是轨道交通工程信息化需要解决的关键问题之一。由于轨道交通工程领域对大数据和云计算技术研究起步较晚,目前这些技术能用到该领域全生命周期哪些方面是值得研究的问题。本文结合大数据和云计算的特点,对轨道交通工程规划、设计、施工、运营维护各阶段可能的应用需求进行分析,旨在为今后研究工作提供参考。


    Abstract: Big data, cloud computing, mobile Internet and other new industries and technologies are changing the traditional survey, design, engineering construction management and maintenance mode.At present, the design phase of rail transit engineering industry has basically achieved digitization, but in some aspects, the data management and processing capacity still need to be strengthened. The design results have not been fully applied due to the means and capacity constraints of data management and processing in construction and operation. This makes it difficult to realize in integration and information sharing in the whole life cycle of engineering, which restricts the development of rail transit informatization. It is one of the key issues for the rail transit engineering informatization to study and use big data and cloud computing technology among a mass of information and data. It is only recently that big data and cloud computing technology are studied in the field of rail transit engineering, and therefore it is important to know in what aspects of the whole life cycle these technologies can be used. Based on the characteristics of big data and cloud computing, this paper analyzes the application requirements of rail transit engineering project in planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, and the object is to provide reference for future research.


