• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司

"形意结合"之道 效率与品质的最佳平衡——基于平衡理论的设计方法探索

Integration of Form and Connotation, Balance of Efficiency and Quality——Exploration of Design Methods based on Balance Theory

  • 摘要: 设计是一个不断发展、不断深化的过程,在这个过程中创意与形式不断糅合、碰撞并最终求得平衡,而这也正是设计品质的体现。效率与品质的把握在不同的设计阶段有不同的侧重:设计初期需要收集整合大量资料来得出结论,通过合理有目的地搜集、有效的协同合作、独立的集中思考与资料整理来实现高效率;设计深化阶则段注重形与意的有机结合,以把握性的积累总结与个性化的形意分析为基础,凭借多元化寻意法带来直观的思考路径,通过完善的协同系统确保方案参与人员及时沟通,在保证品质的同时提高效率。好的方法可以提高设计效率,却依然不改设计的本质,只有不断的学习、练习、思考,方能做出好的作品。


    Abstract: Design is a process of continuous development and intensification, in which originality and form mix and collide with each other constantly, and ultimately reach a balance. This is also the reflection of the quality of design. Efficiency and quality have different emphases at different stages of design. At the initial stage, a great deal of information needs to be collected and integrated to reach a conclusion. By reasonable and goal-directed collection, effective cooperation, independent and concentrated thinking, and data organization, high efficiency is realized. At the stage of intensification. the dynamic integration of "form" and "connotation" is emphasized. Based on accumulation and summary as well as personalized analysis of the form and connotation and by virtue of diversified methods of looking for the connotation, intuitive paths of thinking are put forward. Furthermore, timely communication among the participants in the plan can be guaranteed through a perfect cooperative system. This can guarantee the quality and enhance the efficiency simultaneously. Although a good method can improve the efficiency of design, it still cannot change the essence of design. Only by learning, practicing and thinking continuously can one design excellent works.


