• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Influence of Empty Shield Tunneling Segment Pushed Ahead through on the Existing Tunnel

  • 摘要: 为解决武汉地铁六号线某区间隧道下穿2号线既有车站的问题,对下穿2号线区段采用提前暗挖施工的方法。本文介绍了施工过程中盾构穿越提前暗挖段所存在的一系列问题对应的解决方案,并通过分析施工过程中2号线的轨面沉降和既有车站建筑物沉降情况进行分析采用盾构空推对既有隧道的影响程度。本文以武汉轨道交通六号线某地铁隧道为依托,系统地分析了提前采用暗挖法穿越既有隧道,之后采用盾构空推。在此基础上,从既有轨道的轨面沉降和车站建筑物累积沉降两方面探讨了盾构空推穿越暗挖段的效果。本工程还采用专门的降水及加固方案减小施工过程中对既有线路运营带来的影响,同时为类似工程提供有益参考。


    Abstract: Wuhan Metro Line 6 has to go under an existing station of the 2nd line by the method of in advance tunneling construction. This article describes the construction process in advance of shield tunneling segment through a series of problems existing in the corresponding solutions, and analyzes the track surface during construction on the 2nd line of settlement and the existing station building subsidence case of using shield empty push impact on the existing tunnel. Based on Wuhan metro Line 6 tunnel, this article carries out a systematic analysis on the early application of the existing tunnel excavation method and the shield push with no-load. On this basis, the article dissusses the shield tunneling segment results from the rail surface setflement of the existing track and station building cumulative settlement. The project also uses a special precipitation and strengthening programs to reduce the impact of the construction process on the existing line operator and provides a useful reference for similar engineering.


