• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司

超高层项目机电安装BIM +应用

BIM + Technology in the Application of Mechanical and Electrical Installation of Super High-rise Building

  • 摘要: 建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)是以建筑工程项目的各项相关信息数据作为模型的基础, 进行建筑模型的建立, 通过数字信息仿真模拟建筑物所具有的真实信息。它具有可视化, 协调性, 模拟性, 优化性和可出图性五大特点1。永利国际金融中心项目是一幢典型的核心筒加钢结构的超高层建筑, 机电专业涵盖空调水、通风排烟、电气、给排水、消防等, 传统方式无法完成本项目深化设计工作, 故采用BIM技术对全专业进行深化设计; 在应用的过程中, 项目团队不断创新, 践行“BIM + ”的理念, 陆续探索了多项用于施工管理的新技术, 大幅提高了管理水平。本文重点介绍BIM技术在该项目的实施情况。


    Abstract: Building Information Modeling sets up the building model based on the various relevant information and data of construction projects and simulates the real information of constructions by digital information simulation. The modeling is visualized and coordinated and can be imitated, optimized and plotted. Yong Li International Financial Center Project is a typical super high-rise building with core tube and steel structure inside. Its mechanical and electrical engineering contains chilled water, ventilation, electric, drainage, fire protection and so on, and the traditional method could not meet the detailed design need of the project, thus, BIM technology is adopted to deepen the design in the specialty. In the application of the technology, the team of this project continues to innovate. Bearing the idea of " BIM + " in mind, the team has found many new technologies for construction management, which greatly improves the whole management level. The article mainly introduces the implementation of BIM in this project.


