• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research and Application of BIM Technology in Assembly Building——An Example of Cai Hong Wan Project

  • 摘要: 建筑工业化是以现代工业的生产方式设计及建造房屋。BIM技术作为新兴的建筑技术能够实现工程项目的信息化建设, 通过可视化及虚拟模拟的手段使得项目全过程透明化, 增加项目各参与方对项目的把控能力, 控制风险。本文通过对装配式建筑应用特点分析, 以中建彩虹湾项目为依托, 研究了BIM技术基于装配式建筑设计、构件加工、构件组装、信息集成等应用。


    Abstract: Construction industrialization uses modern industrial production methods to design and construct buildings.As a new construction technology, BIM technology can realize the informatization construction of the project, and by means of visualization and virtual simulation, it realizes the transparency throughout the whole process of the project and increases the controlling ability over the participants so as to prevent risks.Based on the characteristics of the assembly building application and Cai HongWan project, this article studies the application of BIM technology during the whole process of assembly building design, component processing, construction and maintenance.


