• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


BIM based Integrated Management in Wanda Cultural Tourism Projects

  • 摘要: 大型文化旅游项目通常具有投资额度巨大、场地复杂多样、建筑形态丰富、游乐设施新奇特等特点, 因此迫切需要采用BIM等新技术解决日益复杂的技术和管理问题。万达集团从2012年即开始了在大型文化旅游项目中探索BIM在设计、施工和其它领域的应用模式, 逐步摸索出一套高效实用的提升设计施工质量、优化工程成本、控制进度的管控模式。本文系统地梳理了万达文化旅游项目设计施工一体化管控的要点、责任分工、流程、标准、平台等, 并介绍了近期完成的一项大型文旅项目BIM管控实践成果。


    Abstract: Large-scale cultural tourism projects usually have a huge amount of investment, complex site and rich in architectural form, diverse recreational facilities and other features. BIM is usually adopted to solve the increasingly complex technical and management issues. Wanda Group began to explore BIM in the design, construction and other fields of application mode in large-scale cultural tourism projects in 2012, and gradually worked out a practical method to enhance the design and construction quality, optimize project cost etc. In this paper, we will introduce the main points of BIM based integrated management, procedures, standards and the platforms in Wanda cultural tourism projects. At last, a BIM based Integrated Management in cultural tourism project is introduced.


