• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Design and Realization of OTO Trading Platform for Construction Equipment Leasing

  • 摘要: 如何通过电子商务来促进我国建筑施工设备租赁行业的发展,是当前产业信息化研究中非常热门的课题。基于施工设备租赁业务的功能需求分析,进行了平台目标设计、架构设计、功能设计,利用现代网络信息技术,构建了基于B/S架构的建筑施工设备租赁OTO交易平台。平台具备用户管理、业务管理、信息交流、技术服务、信用保证等五大功能,实现了“线上对线下”的OTO商业运行模式和交易流程化应用,旨在探索建筑施工设备租赁新思路,满足信息化时代行业发展需求。


    Abstract: How to promote the development of China's construction equipment leasing industry by electronic commerce is a very popular topic in the current research of industrial information. Based on the analysis of market functional requirements, the platform target design, architecture design and function design are carried out, by using modern network information technology, the OTO trading platform for building equipment leasing based on B/S architecture mode is constructed. The platform with the user management, business management, information exchange, technical services, credit guarantee and other five major functions, realized the'online to offline'OTO business operation mode and the application of transaction process, which aims to explore the new idea of leasing of construction equipment to meet the development needs of the era of information industry.


