• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司

BIM 5D技术在《安装工程计量与计价》教学模型中的尝试

A Tentative Study on Applying BIM 5D into the Teaching Model of 'Computation and Valuation for Installation Project'

  • 摘要: 随着住建部印发《关于推进建筑信息模型应用的指导意见》,明确提出BIM应用的发展目标,进一步加快了信息技术与建筑业发展的深度融合,使得企业工程总承包项目的信息化管理得到优化,数字化、网络化、智能化数据资源平台在工程建造中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文着重介绍了在高职教学中《安装工程计量与计价》课程利用实际案例的BIM 3D建筑信息模型,建立建筑物内水、暖、动、电“综合管道图”的数字信息仿真模型,使之具有可视化和真实性,同时构建项目过程管理的“进度控制”、“成本控制” 5D关系模拟数据库,加强工程量的精确化计算,实现毕业生工作岗位的“零跨接”。


    Abstract: The pushing policy of thoroughly integrating the information technology with the architecture industry advocated by the Ministry of Housing and Construction, is speeding up the informatization management in architecture industry. BIM, a digitalized, webified and intelligentized data resource platform, is playing a more and more important role in promoting the IT innovative competence and the high efficiency of informatization in the architecture enterprises, It will also optimize the informatization management in the general contract project for enterprise engineering and promote the enterprise competition. This article mainly talks about in high vocational college how to build up a simulation model with digital information inside an architecture building, based on the BIM 3D architecture information model, coupling with cases in real life. As a result, the model will carry the real information, which will simulate the project-development course and present the lifecycle of the whole building through the pipline collision detection synthesis technique. The course process of building up the multiplized teaching model of BIM 5D technique, will enable the students fully understand the efficacy of the space and time, and accurately compute the project.


