• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of BIM Technology in the Course of Civil Engineering Drawing

  • 摘要: 建筑制图类课程的授课对象是大学一年的新生,他们对建筑结构不了解,传统的教学手段培养学生的是二维和三维之间转换的空间思维能力,但不适应现代建筑业的发展要求。BIM技术不仅具有很高的可视化性质,还具有很强信息传递功能。将BIM应用到建筑制图类课程实践中,建立完善的建筑信息模型,根据专业需求通过三维的平移、旋转和缩放以及漫游等功能以不同的视点切换查看建筑的模型,增强学生的空间思维能力和培养学生对建筑结构的感性认识。通过学生动手实践建立建筑模型,培养学生对建筑结构的理解。参加BIM类竞赛促进教学改革,推动建筑业教学事业的发展,培养建筑信息时代的人才。同时为我校转为应用技术型高校提供理论实践基础。


    Abstract: The object of Construction Drawing course is the freshman in the teaching process, who don' t understand the construction. The traditional teaching methods can' t not only cultivate students with sufficient spatial ability, but also adapt to the modern construction industry. BIM technology not only has a very high visual quality, but alsohas a strong information transfer function. The application of BIM is used to the practice of civil engineering drawing for building perfect information model. According to the professional requirements, through the three-dimensional translation, rotation, zoom, roaming and other functions, viewingdifferent viewpoint of the building is by switching models of buildingsto enhance the ability of space imagination of students and cultivate students'perceptual knowledge of the building structure. Students understand components of buildings by building a building model on themselves. The development of teaching reform and construction are promoted by participating in BIM contests in information age. At the same time, it provides practical basis for our colleges becoming applied technical college.


