• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Development and Application of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Design Software FDOW

  • 摘要: 海上风机基础设计涉及到多个学科领域, 且设计链长、包含的子项目繁多, 而应用现有的海工设计软件和有限元通用分析软件进行计算时局限性大, 因此开发专有的海上风机基础设计软件非常必要。首先给出了海上风机基础设计的流程和主要内容, 进而论述了设计软件应具有的主要功能以满足设计计算需求, 包括荷载计算、荷载组合、桩基分析、基础结构分析、其他辅助项设计以及成果输出功能等。接下来介绍软件核心模块的开发, 包括可视化模块、集成一体化模块、基础方案模块、配置与计算模块等, 然后给出软件计算分析的主要原理和计算方法, 最后结合一项工程实例简要给出了应用海上风机基础设计软件FDOW的计算成果。


    Abstract: Design of offshore wind turbine foundation involves multi-disciplinary fields and contains various subitems, so software is often needed to assist designing. On the other hand, marine engineering design software and finite element analysis software is not specifically developed for offshore wind turbine foundation, then make it very necessary to develop professional software. The design process and main contents of foundation design is firstly introduced, the software's main functions including load calculation, combination of load, pile analysis, foundation analysis and result output have to be developed to achieve the above requirements. The kernel modules contain visualization function, integrated designing, foundation input and reconfigurable computing. Then calculation methods and main principle embedded in software is introduced. Lastly application of software FDOW to design offshore wind turbine foundation is given with one practical project.


