• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Application of BIM in the Project of Ping′an International Finance Center South Tower Construction Management

  • 摘要: 随着经济的快速发展和科技的不断进步,现代信息技术已经广泛地应用在社会生产和人们的生活中。超高层大型建设项目,一般具有投资规模大、建设周期长、参建单位众多、施工管理难度大等特点。在总承包管理过程中,传统的信息沟通和管理方式已经远远不能满足要求。以BIM技术在深圳平安金融中心南塔项目施工管理过程中的应用为例,分别从BIM前期组织策划、构建BIM应用环境以及BIM技术在施工管理过程中的应用等方面阐述BIM技术在超高层施工管理过程中的应用,为实现设计、施工一体化提供良好的技术手段和解决方法。


    Abstract: With the rapid growth of economy and the progress of science and technology, modern information technology has been widely used in industrial production as well as daily life. The projects of super high-rise buildings involve large investment, long period of construction, participation of numerous contractors and complexity in construction management. In the principal contract management, the traditional way of information communication and management couldn′t meet the requirements. As principal contractor, we adopted the BIM methodology to help us to manage the complexity. This paper takes the project of South Tower, Pingan International Finance Center as case study. It describes the initial phase of the BIM organization and planning, the construction of the BIM application environment and the application of BIM technology in the high-rise construction management. It demonstrates how the management challenges were met through the integration of design and construction with BIM based solutions.


