• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Application of (BIM) in the 11th Contract Segment of South Tianjin Metro Line 4 Civil Construction Project

  • 摘要: BIM作为信息化应用的第二次技术革命,是建筑业信息化和高效应用管理的必然趋势1,城市轨道交通涉及专业繁多,专业间协调沟通困难;本文基于城市轨道交通发展领域2,利用BIM技术的空间可视化管理,从项目准备、分专业分阶段建模、模型整合、施工应用以及后期信息反馈收集等五个阶段出发,由三维指导、施工模拟、进度保证、成本管控、安全质量辅助管理等基本应用,再到绿色节能分析、辅助管线迁改技术以及应急疏散模拟等深化应用,充分将BIM技术应用于地铁施工中的整个周期,实现地铁项目施工信息化管理,打造智慧文明工地。


    Abstract: Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the second technology revolution of the application of information technology, and it has become an inevitable trend in the informatization of construction industry and high-efficiency application management. Urban rail transit involves various professions, and the communication and coordination between these professions could be difficult. In this paper, management based on spatial visualization using BIM was applied in domain of urban rail transit development. The application of BIM started from five stages, which were preparation of project, modeling for different stages and professions, model integration, application in construction, and collection of feedback information in the late period. BIM technology was used in the basic applications such as three-dimensional instruction, construction simulation, construction application, guarantee of progress, control of cost, supportive management of safety and quality and so on. Furthermore, it was exploited in applications such as analysis of energy conservation, assistance in modification of pipeline and simulation of emergency evacuation. Based on the mentioned applications, BIM technology was utilized throughout the subway construction period. BIM technology helps to achieve the informatization management of subway construction project and creates construction sites with intelligence and civilization.


