• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The BLC Innovative Integrated Design of Jilin Jianzhu University Museum of Urban Architecture

  • 摘要: 吉林建筑大学城市建筑博物馆是MBF团队学生进行BLC创新整合设计的对象,本设计旨在探究面对BIM这一先进生产工具如何改进现有落后生产关系,创新整合先进生产关系与生产工具,改变传统设计流程与施工管理方法,以期达到项目集约管理,项目各干系人满意,实现项目成功的目标。PMBOK指南作为项目在全生命周期过程的指导依据,前置FM为业主收集需求并指导监控项目进展状态,与设计施工单位制定以BIM为主要生产工具,统筹项目各单位关系的IPD合同来实现项目集成交付。BIM协同设计参数化成果交付施工单位用于进一步深化处理来进行指导项目施工。后置FM接受完工模型用于项目后期运维与资产管理,实现项目全生命周期。


    Abstract: All MBF student groups should work together for a BLC innovative integrated design for the Jilin Jianzhu University Museum of Urban Architecture. The purpose of this study is to explore how Building Information Modelling (BIM) will improve the existing out-dated production relationship. Advanced production relationship and production tools are integrated innovatively to transfer traditional design process and construction management method, to realize intensive project management, also to satisfy all project stakeholders, and to achieve a final success of the project. PMBOK is used as the guideline during the life cycle of the project, and the Pre-FM enables the owner to collect requirements and monitor the project progress. Through deliberate discussion with the design and construction companies, the owner decides to use BIM, and apply IPD contract, to coordinate the relationship between project units and to implement project integration delivery. The parametric results of BIM collaborative design are delivered to contractor for further processing in order to guide the project construction. The Post-FM accepts the as-built model, which is used in the later stage of operation & maintenance management, to achieve a life-cycle application for the project.


