• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Full Life Cycle BIM Application in the Ex-Situ Technical Transformation Project of Fuling Branch of Chongqing Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd.

  • 摘要: 重庆烟草工业有限责任公司涪陵分厂易地技术改造项目位于重庆市涪陵李渡工业园区。设计阶段项目采用BIM及仿真分析技术对设计方案进行了有效的验证和优化, 通过三维综合管线设计, 减少了管线冲突碰撞导致的返工和浪费。施工阶段基于BIM的施工模拟和配合, 有效提高了沟通协调效率和项目管理的水平。项目建成后工厂各车间安装部署了基于竣工模型自主开发的可视化三维信息系统平台, 实现了建设数据的传递和共享, 正逐步的在工厂运营中发挥作用, 为后续数字化工厂建设奠定了良好数据基础。


    Abstract: The ex-situ technical transformation project of Fuling branch of Chongqing tobacco industry Co., Ltd.is located in Lidu Industrial Park, Fuling District, Chongqing.At the design phase, BIM and simulation analysis technology are applied to effectively verify and optimize the design scheme.Through the 3D integrated pipeline design, the rework and waste caused by pipeline collision are reduced significantly.At the construction stage, the BIM-based construction simulation and coordination effectively improve the communication and coordination efficiency and project management level.After the completion of the project, all workshops have installed and deployed an independently-developed visual 3D information system platform using the completion model.The platform realizes the transmission and sharing of construction data, and is gradually playing a more significant role in plant operations, which lays a good data base for the follow-up construction of a digital plant.


