• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Full Participation of BIM Management and Application for Intelligent Building——In Administrative Area of Beijing City Center for Example

  • 摘要: 北京城市副中心项目具有工期异常紧张、科技含量高、建造要求高的三大特点。项目在策划阶段到收尾交付全过程中利用BIM技术,从技术、工期、成本、质量安全多方面进行BIM管理工作,力求以BIM技术为管理工具,从而解决项目管理难点,提高现场管理效率与决策能力。例如,在钢结构全过程应用BIM,促进项目工期履约,基于BIM的成本管理实现项目降本增效,质量安全管理实现项目管理信息化。同时自行研发智慧建造管理平台,实现建造过程中的技术信息化与管理模块化,将信息从原有部门到部门的传递,变为从部门到项目的传递,打破信息壁垒。做到全员、全专业、全过程应用BIM技术,提升项目管理水平,实现项目完美履约。


    Abstract: The Beijing urban sub-center project possesses three characteristics including extreme time limit stress, high technology content and high construction requirements. From the early planning stages to the final delivery process, the BIM technology is employed for BIM management in all aspects including the technology, schedule, cost, quality, safety, and etc. Our goal is to use BIM technology as the management tool, to solve the difficulties of project management, and to improve the efficiency and decision-making ability of field management. For example, BIM is applied in the whole process of steel structure, so as to promote the performance, to achieve the BIM-based efficiency promotion of project reduction in project, and to realize informatization of project quality and safety management. At the same time, a self-developed intelligent construction management platform is established to implement the technology informatization and management modularization in the process of building construction. Information transformation is no longer from one department to another department, but from department to the project, which breaks the information barrier. The BIM technology is applied by the entire staff, complete professional and whole process, to improve the project management level and realize the perfect performance of the project.


