• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Dispositional Resistance to BIM-change of Constructors from Perspective of Psychological Capital

  • 摘要: 为进一步推进BIM技术在国内建筑行业的应用,从意识、态度层面的心理资本视角探讨了工程施工人员对BIM技术的变革抵制情况。首先说明个体维度的心理资本变革抵制研究需要拓展深化,其次介绍心理资本两个维度的相关概念,再次基于个体创新性、群体互补性等构建研究模型,然后利用SPSS软件对量表进行信度和效度的统计分析,最后对问卷量表进行差异性分析、相关性分析以及回归分析,从而验证了施工人员的群体心理资本与BIM技术变革抵制倾向负相关的假设。


    Abstract: To further promote the application of BIM technology in domestic construction industry, this paper discusses the resistance of construction workers to the change of BIM technology from the perspective of psychological capital of consciousness and attitude.Firstly, it shows that the study of psychological capital in individual dimension needs to be deepened.Secondly, the two dimensions of psychological capital are introduced.Thirdly, the research model is constructed based on individual innovation, group complementarity, and etc.Then, the reliability and validity of the scale are statistically analyzed by using SPSS software.Finally, a multiple questionnaire method is carried out for difference analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis.Therefore, the hypothesisis verified that the group psychological capital of the constructions is negatively correlated with the BIM technology change resistance.


