• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Exclusive Cloud Desktop with BIM based on IDC

  • 摘要: BIM技术的快速发展,对硬件资源的配置要求越来越高,单纯更新硬件设施成本过高。依托互联网数据中心硬件及网络资源,利用桌面虚拟化技术搭建虚拟云桌面。将BIM技术与虚拟云桌面技术相结合,根据满足30个用户同时使用的需求,搭建BIM专属云桌面,实现个性化软硬件配置,使用瘦终端、智能终端或现有PC设备即可达到配置升级。打造便捷、安全、高效、低成本、节能的工作方式,为BIM协同设计、施工管理、专业化运维提供技术保障。


    Abstract: The rapid development of BIM technology proposes higher requirements for the configuration of hardware resources, which can lead to exorbitant cost for simply upgrading hardware. This paper builds a virtual cloud desktop using desktop virtualization technology based on IDC (Internet Data Center) hardware and network resources. The combination of the BIM technology and virtual cloud desktop technology is able to meet the needs of 30 users at the same time, to build a BIM exclusive cloud desktop with personalized configuration of hardware and software, and to achieve the configuration upgrades only using the thin terminals, intelligent terminal or existing PC devices. The goal is to create a convenient, safe, efficient, low-cost and energy-saving way of work, and to provide technical support for BIM collaborative design, construction management and professional operation and maintenance.


