• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on the Key Technology of BIM-Based Prefabricated High-Rise Building Design

  • 摘要: 本文以高层住宅为载体,基于BIM技术对装配式建筑设计中若干关键技术进行分析研究。给出了基于BIM的多专业模型架构形式和协同过程提资方法,并开发出GDAD-PCMIS协同管理系统以满足多方协同的需求;开发了建筑平面套型模块,通过弹性模块与固定模块的组合形成多种建筑平面;提出基于链接功能的部品应用方法,以保证构件详图与三维模型的统一,并建立预制构件部品库,体现部品的可积累性;分析了装配式建筑的费用组成,探讨不同预制构件组合对经济效益的影响;开发预制率和装配率计算软件等辅助软件,提升装配式高层住宅设计效率。


    Abstract: In this paper, the BIM technology is applied in the design of high-rise residential buildings, to launch analysis and research on several key technologies. A BIM-based multi-disciplinary modeling architectural form and a datum-providing method in collaborative process are introduced in the paper, and a GDAD-PCMIS collaborative management system is developed to meet the needs of multi-party collaboration. A shape-nesting plan-design module is developed, which is able to form various building plans through combining different flexible modules with the fixed modules. An application method of component part based on linkage function is proposed to ensure the unity of component detail drawings and 3D models, as well as a prefabricated component part library is established to embody the accumulation of the component parts. The cost composition of the prefabricated building is also discussed to analyze the impacts of different prefabricated component combinations on the economic benefits of the buildings. The assistive calculation software on the prefabrication rate and assembly rate is also developed to enhance the design efficiency of prefabricated high-rise residential buildings.


