• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


R & D of BIM-Based Design Software for Prefabricated Buildings

  • 摘要: 为解决装配式建筑传统建筑设计方法不适应建筑模数化、标准化所导致装配式建筑设计效率低下、设计与生产施工脱节等问题,PKPM研发了基于BIM技术装配式建筑分析设计软件PKPM-PC,提供了预制混凝土构件的脱模、运输、吊装过程中的计算工具,实现装配式建筑的BIM模型的建立、结构分析、构件三维拆分和拼装、碰撞检查、BIM数据直接接力到生产加工设备等功能。PKPM-PC为广大设计单位设计装配式建筑提供简便的BIM设计方法,提高设计效率,减少设计错误,从而推动住宅产业化的进程。


    Abstract: In that the traditional design methods for prefabricated buildings fail to meet the modularization and standardization of modern construction, problems arise including the low-efficiency of prefabricated building designing, disconnection between design and construction, and etc. For solving the problems, the PKPM-PC, a BIM-based analyzing and designing software for prefabricated buildings is developed, which provides calculation tools for prefabricated concrete components during the demoulding, transporting and hoistiong process, and implements functions including BIM modeling, structural analysis, 3D splitting and collision, collision detection, BIM-data directly used by component processing equipment, and etc. The PKPM-PC provides an easy-operated BIM design method for numerous design units, which improves design efficiency, reduces design errors, and promotes the process of housing industrialization.


