• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Data Storage System for Aluminum Alloy Template Design Software based on MongoDB

  • 摘要: 铝合金模板设计软件模型数据关系复杂,数据量大,对数据库的操作响应速度要求高并且需要数据可分布式存储以支持软件的协同等特点。传统建筑行业软件存储系统一般采用文件或关系型数据库存储数据,这往往需要考虑数据结构及类型,难以实现动态增加非结构化模型数据。此外,关系型数据库的集群架构关系复杂,维护成本高,代码处理也复杂。为更好地解决以上问题,脱离关系型数据库存储思想,选用分布式非关系性数据库MongoDB构建铝合金模板设计软件的数据存储系统。


    Abstract: The design software of aluminum alloy template possesses characteristics of complex data relationship, large amount of data, high response speed to database operation, data distributed storage to support software collaboration, and etc. Traditionally, the software storage systems for building industry usually employ files or relational databases to store data, which always needs to take the data structure and type into consider, and can hardly dynamically increase the data of unstructured model. Additionally, the relational database is complicated in structure of cluster architecture, expensive in maintenance and complex in code processing. To better solve the above problems, we abandon the idea of relational database storage, and use the distributed non-relational database, MongoDB, to construct the data storage system of the aluminum alloy template design software.


