• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of ANN in Aluminum Formwork Construction

  • 摘要: 铝模板,全称为建筑用铝合金模板系统,是新一代新型模板支撑系统。铝模板系统在建筑行业的应用,提高了建筑行业的整体施工效率,包括在建筑材料、人工安排上都节省很多。铝模板设计研发及施工应用是建筑行业一次大的发展。然而铝模板存在现场变更困难的问题,要求模板严丝合缝。本文探讨采用人工智能算法找出最优的施工顺序,以节省时间,并在虚拟环境中模拟施工的方法来降低出错的概率。


    Abstract: The Aluminum formwork, with its full name of the building Aluminum formwork system, is a new generation of formwork support system. The application of aluminum formwork system in the construction industry has improved the overall efficiency of the construction industry, and saved much consumption in the construction materials and labor expenses. The development in design phase and application in construction phase of aluminum formwork, is a major development in the construction industry. However, applications of the Aluminum formwork on site, which requires the formwork joins tightly, encounters difficulty in design modification. This paper investigates the optimal construction order by using the artificial intelligence algorithm to save time, as well as to reduce the probability of error by simulating the construction method in the virtual environment.


