• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Comprehensive BIM Application in Super-Scaled Mexi River Double-Track Bridge of Zhengzhou-Wanzhou Railway in Fengjie

  • 摘要: 郑万铁路奉节梅溪河双线特大桥为上承式劲性骨架钢筋混凝土拱桥,桥梁结构复杂、施工场地狭小,建设条件苛刻。项目针对特大桥梁工程建设中的众多施工、技术、管理难题,进行BIM技术综合应用研究。实现了倾斜摄影技术、有限元分析技术与BIM技术的融合应用。在主体结构深化、施工,临时工程设计、深化、施工等方面取得了良好的效果。BIM技术的综合应用保证了项目的成功实施,提高了工程建设质量和项目综合管理水平,实现项目全生命周期内的技术和经济指标最优化。形成了一套适用于特大桥梁工程施工的可供借鉴的BIM应用流程。


    Abstract: The super-scaled Mexi River double-track bridge of Zhengzhou-Wanzhou railway in Fengjie is a top-supported rigid-frame reinforced concrete arch bridge, with complex structure, narrow construction site, and harsh construction conditions. In view of the numerous construction, technical and management problems in the construction of the super-scaled bridge, the BIM technology is employed and investigated, to achieve the integrated application of oblique photography, finite element analysis technology and BIM technology. Good results have been achieved in deepening design and construction of the main works, as well as in design, deepening design and construction of temporary works. The application of BIM ensures the successful implementation of the project, which has improved the quality of the engineering construction and integrated project management level, and achieved optimization of technical and economic indicators during the entire project life cycle. And a set of BIM application flow that can be used for reference in the construction of super-scaled bridge project has been formed.


